Contact Us
Contact Us by E-mail:
Caroline Smith (Leader of WP1): caroline.smith[at]
John Robert Brucato (Leader of WP2 & WP7): jbrucato[at]
Ludovic Ferrière (Leader of WP3): ludovic.ferriere[at]
Jérôme Aléon (Leader of WP4): jerome.aleon[at]
Frances Westall (Leader of WP5): frances.westall[at]
Lucy Berthoud (Leader of WP6): lucy.berthoud[at]
Monica Grady (Leader of WP8): monica.grady[at]
Management Team:
Sara Russell: sara.russell[at]
Caroline Smith: caroline.smith[at]
Aurore Hutzler: aurore.hutzler[at]
Andrea Meneghin: meneghin[at]
Contact Us on social media: