Work Package 6 - Portable Receiving Technologies

The objective of this work package is to propose methods for the recovery and transport of Mars or Lunar/asteroid samples from the landing site to the permanent curatorial facility. The Earth re-entry capsule from a sample return mission will be targeted at a specific landing ellipse on the Earth, possibly a considerable distance from the curatorial facility. Before the capsule arrives, considerable preparations for the recovery need to be made. Once the capsule has landed, an assessment of the state of the spacecraft will lead to a recommended recovery procedure. The sample will then be transported to a permanent curatorial facility using a safe and secure method.

Work Package Members:

Lead: Lucy Berthoud (TAS)
Recovery, Initial Inspection and Innovations: Lucy Berthoud and John Vrublevskis (TAS)
Preparation for Recovery: John Bridges and John Holt (LEI)
Transport to Curation Facility: Dr. Andrea Longobardo (INAF)
Transport to Curation Facility: Ernesto Palomba (INAF)
Biohazard and Biosecurity: Allan Bennett and Tom Pottage (PHE)